Property, Plant, and Equipment (PPE) Policy Forums

We are pleased to announce the Property, Plant, and Equipment (PPE) Policy Forums. 

These forums aim to give a summary of the recent updates made to the PPE Management Policy and related policies as well as an overview of these policies and an opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Please use the links below to register for each forum you might find helpful. Once registered, you will receive a zoom link you can add to your calendar. We look forward to reviewing these topics with you all, and please bring your burning questions! In the meantime, reach out to Art Hanchett, Susan Mockus, or Emily Lopez for any questions about these forums and/or policies.

Forums & Training

Videos from prior sessions coming soon and more sessions to come this summer. 

PPE Procurement Policy Updates & Training with Susan Mockus

This forum will review the recent updates made to the Property, Plant & Equipment Management (PPE) Policies and procedures related to the procurement of property, plant, and equipment. Topics include how to account for purchases of PPE, understanding the process for recording capital purchases, procedure for chart string corrections, and more.

PPE Physical Tracking & Management Training with Art Hanchett

This forum will review updates made to the Property, Plant & Equipment Management (PPE) Policies related to physical inventory and management of Dartmouth property and answer questions. Topics include what forms to use for various PPE  situations, physical inventories, assets entering and leaving the college, the role of the Fixed Asset/Surplus Property Admin and more. 

Constructed and Fabricated Asset Policy Training with Emily Lopez

This forum will provide an opportunity to review the policies and procedures related to Constructed (CIPs) and fabricated equipment and answer related questions. Topics include identifying capital costs, process for CIP set-up, how to account for fabricated equipment, and more.


Last Updated