Recruitment & Hiring

Staff Hiring Process

Before You Begin

The Inclusive Hiring Guide for Staff provides advice for leading and participating in an inclusive hiring process for staff.

Hiring 101 - This hiring knowledge base is a testament to the wealth of collective information that we hold as a community and want to share amongst ourselves for a stronger Dartmouth.

Recruitment Form & Position Description

Complete and return the Position Recruitment Form, along with a most recent position description (if available) to your Finance Center or your HR Business Partner:

ASFC: email ASFC
APFC: Submit the General Request eForm
Campus Services: email Admin HR Services
Geisel: email Geisel Human Resources
Thayer: email Thayer Human Resources
Tuck: email Lorin Parker or Tuck HR

DORR Entry & Review

The position details will be entered into DORR System for review and approval by Divisional leaders and the HR Business Partner. HR will notify the hiring department when the position is approved for recruitment and ready to post online at Dartmouth Employment Opportunities.

If authorized, Human Resources has guidance available on the Dartmouth Online Review & Recruit (DORR) webpage. The DORR Training Manual provides guidance for (DORR) System. The manual covers everything from gaining access, creating and managing positions, posting and tracking applicants, and what to do once a candidate has been selected for hire. Additionally DORR 101 (authentication required) provides guidance, templates, and other resources. 

Posting the Position & Beginning the Search

After the Finance Center or HR Business Partner has reviewed and/or approved the position, Talent Acquisition will review the posting and connect with the hiring manager to discuss recruitment strategy. Talent Acquisition will confirm with the hiring manager that position is ready to post. 

Temporary guest access to DORR will be provided to the hiring manager/supervisor to view the position and applicant information in the system.

As the hiring manager/supervisor, you will begin the recruitment process by reviewing, selecting, and contacting applicants to coordinate interviews. Due diligence is to be completed by the hiring manager/supervisor to track applicant outcomes. Human Resources offers Interviewing guidance within the Recruiting Toolkit

Candidate Selection & Closing the Search

Human Resources offers Selection tools from Candidate rating sheet, a Candidate evaluation form and additional Legal Requirements within their Recruiting Toolkit

When you have selected a candidate you wish to hire, please notify the Finance Center and HR Business Partner, with:

  • Request to close the position posting from the web
  • Name of selected candidate for hire
  • Request for applicant names and addresses (and, if needed, rejection letter templates) for sending letters to non-selected applicants
  • Outcomes statuses of your non-selected applicants:
    • Applied in error/Incomplete Application
    • Ineligible (external or non-union)
    • Did not meet minimum qualifications
    • Not interviewed – withdrew
    • Not interviewed – less qualified/experienced
    • Not interviewed- applied after review date
    • Interviewed – withdrew
    • Interviewed – less qualified/experienced
    • Interviewed – not selected, reference/background check
    • Interviewed – offer declined
    • Interviewed – less qualified/Strong Viable Candidate
    • Interviewed – accepted another position
    • Interviewed – offer declined (housing)
    • Interviewed – offer declined (benefits)
    • Interviewed – offer declined (compensation)

Hiring Proposal (formerly Salary Setting) & Contacting Professional References

When you have determined a finalist, email the Fiscal Officer or HR Business Partner to begin the hiring proposal and salary setting stage for the hire. Please also indicate if you have a preferred salary range. Do NOT make an official offer until you receive notification from a fiscal officer regarding salary setting and background verification. A fiscal officer will respond with an official hiring range for making an offer to the candidate (may take up to three business days).

Professional references are required to be contacted for selected candidates, for all staff positions. See the Employment Reference Checks and Skill Proficiency Testing Policy for full details.

References are collected through SkillSurvey, an online third-party that collects confidential performance feedback from the candidate's provided professional references. 

The Finance Center or HR Business Partner will submit the candidate's name, email address, and position title to Human Resources to set up a SkillSurvey reference survey for your candidate. The candidate will be contacted by a SkillSurvey email to provide their professional reference contacts. Reference feedback is electronically collected in an easy-to-read report that is received by you, as the hiring manager/supervisor. 

The hiring proposal/salary setting and SkillSurvey reference checking are completed simultaneously and in coordination with the Office of Human Resources.

Background Verification

Background Verification is a requirement of all staff hires, including temporary positions. For additional questions on Dartmouth's background check policy, please see Human Resources Background Checks Policy.

An offer of employment is contingent upon the successful completion of a background check and can take up to 1-2 weeks for completion.

Extending an Offer

The Fiscal Officer or HR Business Partner will notify you with an official hiring range and you may extend an offer to the candidate expressing to them that their employment is contingent on the satisfactory outcome of their background check.

The candidate will be contacted by our background check vendor, HireRight, and will need to submit information directly to them. Please tell the candidate to notify you when they have provided all of the necessary information to HireRight. Once you hear from the candidate, please notify the Fiscal Officer or HR Business Partner that the candidate has consented to the background check so that they can confirm consent with HR.

Onboarding Checklist

Talent Acquisition has Onboarding resources available for managers planning onboarding. Please review the Onboarding Manager Toolkit.

The Onboarding Checklist is designed to guide managers through effective onboarding of a new employee. The checklist outlines responsibilities of the Manager and a Peer Partner from prior to the employee’s first day through the first month.

Personnel Authorization

After the candidate has accepted the offer and consent to the background check has been confirmed with HR, follow the processes by Division for submitting a Personnel Authorization.

Hire Letter

Human Resources will provide the staff hire with a formal information letter which is generated through Equifax upon entering of the PASF.

Staff Hiring Questions

Please directly contact the Fiscal Officer or HR Business Partner for questions regarding position creation, changes in position descriptions, authorization of positions, and position budgets.

Last Updated