What To During The Interview
1. Overview
2. What to do BEFORE the interview
The WHOLE DAY is the interview
Treat everyone you meet with respect and thoughtfulness, from the administrative assistant who checks you in, to the student who gives you a tour, to your fellow interviewees, to the person who interviews you, to the student whose apartment you might be staying with, etc. Medical schools are not just looking for people who can "handle" medical school, they are creating a class, a cohort of people who will be spending a lot of time together to become future physicians.
Dressing for an interview
Look professional.
For men, a nice button-down shirt and a tie. Some color is alright in the shirt and tie. If you have or can afford a suit that will work wonderfully, but it isn't required. All you really need is a nice pair of (affordable) slacks and a jacket that would go well with each other.
For women, a nice button-down shirt or a nice top under your blazer (Look at a Banana Republic or Ann Taylor type websites for ideas). You can use your shirt/blouse/top for a color accent. Pants, skirts, or dresses can all be fine but be mindful about conveying professionalism.
That is the most simple, straightforward way to go if figuring out your interview clothes feels daunting. Whatever you wear make sure you are comfortable enough in it so you're not distracted by how uncomfortable your clothing feels. If you are flying to the interview, have these clothes in your carry-on, so you don't risk them getting lost!
Arrive on time
Aim to arrive early on interview day so you have time to make sure you know where to go, and have your breakfast/tea/coffee/etc. Take a moment to breathe and collect yourself. If you get there the day before, take some time the day before to get acquainted with where you will need to go.
Do you need to save on costs? You can call ahead to a medical school and ask if there are current med students you can stay with, a Dartmouth alum or otherwise. Not only can it save you money, but it gives you a chance to hear a student's perspective.
An interview is a mini-connection with another person
Be present and mindful when speaking with them, but not in a scripted manner. You want to be professional, but also genuine. Interviewers want to get a sense of you and how you respond to them. They are not necessarily looking for "right" or perfect answers. They are using this interview to help them identify if you have some of the qualities that they are seeking in future medical professionals. The interviewers are also people who want to make a connection and get to know more about you. Nerves are normal...they know that too. If you are prepared you will feel more relaxed, and might even have fun!
If you get a question that stumps you...
It's OK to say, "that's a really good question, let me think about that for a moment" and just take a pause. If you stumble it's okay to laugh at yourself or say "whoops." What you say is part of what's interesting to them but so is your ability to be flexible and resilient in an inherently stressful situation.
Don't try to talk about something you don't know about; stick with what's true. Don't overreach. No hyperbole.
Be mindful of your body language
Maintain eye contact; body language is important too. Don't slouch and be "spatially" engaged with your interviewer.
Ask questions!
This is your chance to evaluate each school critically and learn more about its strengths and weaknesses. You can ask your interviewers thoughtful and tactful questions like:
"What do you think are the strengths of your programs?"
"If you were the Dean, what changes would your institute at this school?"
DON'T ask questions about things you can easily learn from their website (ie: don't ask, "can you tell me what your curriculum is?" But you could ask: "How is the curriculum re-design going? What do students think? What do faculty observe?")
Speak with students from the school you are visiting
If you are either interviewed by students or have an opportunity to talk to them, a very good question to ask is "Are you happy at this school and why?" Also "What would you like to see changed?" Interviewees often learn more from current students than from interviewers. That said, remember students you meet on interview day are part of the interview. Be yourself, but be professional!