HPP Forms to Submit
You MUST complete and submit the below forms to HPP. Make sure to review and understand the Overview of the Composite Letter Process and Composite Process Timeline before submitting. If you have questions, please reach out to HPP.
- The Release to Composite Writer Request Form: When all your supporting letters and documents (transcript/citation report, autobiographical sketch, and resume) are in, you MUST submit this form to HPP. By signing this form, you give HPP permission to send all your materials to your Composite Writer. YOU MUST FILL THIS OUT! IF YOU DO NOT, YOU WILL NOT HAVE A COMPOSITE LETTER PACKET!
- The Verification Notification Form: Please submit this form ONLY AFTER your primary application has been verified by AMCAS, AACOMAS, or AADSAS. We'll use this information to help determine the order in which composite letters are reviewed once they are submitted.