Composite & Support Letters Timeline
Composite and Support Letters are written on your behalf, so be conscientious of the privilege that people are writing to support you in this process. Act accordingly, with clear communication, gratitude, and respect. The Health Professions Program is here to assist you in the process at every step. There are several parts that YOU are responsible for. Be sure to read through the Overview of the Composite Letter Process and Composite Process Timeline in order to understand which tasks you are responsibile for and important timelines/deadlines.
To learn more about what the Composite Letter is, and what is required for it, please be sure to read our Overview: Letter of Evaluation page.
Ideally, a draft of your composite letter should be completed before or by July 1st. The absolute latest deadline is August 1st. However, be aware that earlier is better for you, especially if you were able to submit your part of the application early.
While the letter deadlines are in place to benefit you, we will still work with you to have your composite letter packet completed even if you or your letter writers have a later timeline! But we HIGHLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO FOLLOW THIS TIMELINE! Please speak to an HPP Pre-Health Advisor if you have concerns about the timeline.