Non-Federal Limited Deadlines

Below is a list of upcoming programs with proposal submission restrictions. Please make sure to check each individual opportunity announcement for eligibility, specific deadline and submission information. This is not a comprehensive list of all limited submission proposals, and while this page will be updated regularly, it should be used in conjunction with other grant information resources available from individual funding agency websites. *Important: If a program has a limited submission requirement and you do not see it on the list below, please notify and follow the procedure outlined here.


Medical Research Awards

Gabrielle's Angel Foundation for Cancer Research

For junior faculty members to conduct research on hematologic malignancies. Requires preliminary results and/or publications from applicant's independent laboratory.
Two programs:
Conventional research
Integrative medicine research and clinical trials. Evidence-based complementary interventions that optimize mainstream care and improve the lives of patients (e.g., acupuncture, mind-body interventions, manipulative and body-based therapies, nutrition, meditation, music therapy, yoga, physical fitness, use of biologically-based agents).

Eligibility: Conventional program is restricted to assistant professors who have held their current position for no more than five years; Integrative is open to both assistant and associate professors with no time limit on current position.

Dartmouth Cancer Center may nominate one candidate in the conventional category and one in integrative. Applicants should submit the following to using "Gabrielle's Angel Foundation" as the email subject line:
one-page research project summary
curriculum vitae


June 17th - internal application deadline

August 16th - external application

Sloan Research Fellowships

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

For early-career scientists and scholars in these or related fields:
computer science
Earth system science

Must be tenure-track but untenured as of the application deadline. Faculty position must carry a regular teaching obligation. Application requires two representative articles from your research at Dartmouth. While not yet announced, the external sponsor deadline is anticipated to be September 15.

For questions about this opportunity and anticipated application materials, please contact 

Dartmouth may nominate up to three candidates in each area.
To apply for this opportunity, email the following to one-page description of your project idea and current CV. Use "Sloan Fellowships" as the email subject line.


June 28th - internal application deadline

September 15th - external application

Career Catalyst Research

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

To support early-career investigators working to develop strategies for earlier diagnosis, reduce risk of breast cancer, or increase the effectiveness of current therapies. Basic, translational, clinical and/or population science.
Cannot have held any faculty appointment, including non-tenure and tenure track appointments combined, for more than a total of 6 years by October 9, 2024. 

Each institution may nominate up to two candidates, if at least one of the two nominees identifies as someone from groups shown to be historically minoritized and marginalized in biomedical research from National Science Foundation data, including Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, American Indians or Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders, and individuals with disabilities, as well as individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds according to the criteria used by the NIH ( 

To apply for this opportunity, email the following to current CV; one-page description of your past and current research, and its impact on the field. Use "Susan G. Komen - Catalyst" as the email subject line.


July 1 - internal application deadline

August 9th - external application

Career Transition Award

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

To help outstanding senior postdoctoral fellows and clinical fellows, working under the guidance of a mentor, launch their competitive, independent breast cancer research careers. Career Transition Awards provide up to five years of funding in two phases: Phase 1 supports the final years of mentored, postdoctoral training; and Phase 2 supports the independent research of the early-career, tenure-track investigators.

Each institution may nominate up to two candidates, if at least one of the two nominees identifies as someone from groups shown to be historically minoritized and marginalized in biomedical research from National Science Foundation data, including Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, American Indians or Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders, and individuals with disabilities, as well as individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds according to the criteria used by the NIH ( 

To apply for this opportunity, email the following to current CV; one-page description of your past and current research, and its impact on the field. Use "Susan G. Komen - Transition" as the email subject line.


July 1 - internal application deadline

August 9th - external application

Searle Scholars Program

Kinship Foundation

For first- or second-year assistant professors in:
cell biology
related areas in chemistry, medicine, and the biological sciences

Not ordinarily for purely clinical research but has supported research programs that include both clinical and basic components. See "Current Scholars" for funded examples. Applicants should have begun their appointment as an independent investigator at the assistant professor level on or after May 1, 2023. The appointment must be their first tenure-track position (or its nearest equivalent).

Dartmouth may nominate one candidate.

To apply for this opportunity, email the following to LimitedFunding@Dartmouth.Edu one-page description of your project idea; total amount of your funding request; current CV.

Use “Searle Scholars” as the email subject line.


July 15th - internal application deadline

September 30th - external application

Greenwall Faculty Scholars Program in Bioethics

Greenwall Foundation

Career development award for innovative bioethics research by junior faculty. Priority for applicants who have not yet been considered for tenure; who have not received a comparable career development award; and whose work will have an impact on public policy, biomedical research, or clinical practice. Fifty percent of salary plus benefits for three years, up to the NIH salary cap, with 10 percent institutional costs for the salary and benefits. $5,000 per year for project support and travel. At least 50 percent of time must be devoted to bioethics research.

Dartmouth may submit one application.

To apply for this opportunity, email the following to :one-page description of your project idea; total amount of your funding request; current CV. Use "Greenwall Faculty Scholars" as the email subject line.


July 24 - internal application deadline

September 16 - external application












Last Updated