Cancellation policy
Due to the high demand for the scanner and the need to maximize efficiency, the DBIC will be implementing the following cancellation policy, effective September 1, 2021, for cancellations on/after October 1, 2021. You may be charged for time booked, however, if you cancel in a manner concordant with the DBIC’s cancellation policy, we will waive the fee.
Cancellation policy
- No penalty if slots are canceled 1 week out or earlier
- 50% penalty if slots are released within 1 week
- 100% penalty (must pay) if slots are released within 3 days
To minimize cancellations, the DBIC requests that researchers administer the DBIC metal screener to research participants well in advance of their scheduled scan. Researchers might also consider sending participants the DBIC informational sheet, which lists common things participants might not immediately consider to be an issue (e.g.non-removable piercings, certain hair and skin products, etc). Finally, the DBIC also strongly suggests that participants are sent an initial confirmation email, a reminder the week before they are scheduled to participate, and a final reminder the day before their scan.
How to cancel scan time:
- Scan time should be released directly to Courtney Rogers, unless otherwise indicated.