Remembering Christine Eickelman (1944-2024)

From the very beginning of the Dartmouth-AUK student exchange in 2005, Christine Eickelman (pictured fourth from the right) welcomed the opportunity to have AUK and Dartmouth students and faculty to her home. Her obituary explains why this exchange meant so much to her—and to us. Read it HERE. (Photo: The annual Dartmouth-AUK reception at the Eickelman home, Summer 2022.)

Dartmouth Welcomes AUK Students

AUK students are on campus once again this summer! Funded internships and academic exchanges allow students from both schools to experience new ways of living and learning while building their academic, professional, and intercultural skills. (Photo: AUK students hike Gile Mountain Tower trail, July 2024.)

Research Collaborations

AUK Faculty Fellows spend a summer term at Dartmouth furthering their research, honing their professional skills, and participating in a range of campus activities. AUK Associate Professor of Engineering Belal Gharaibeh is working in the Dartmouth Biomedical Engineering Center this summer with Thayer’s Douglas Van Citters. (Photo by Kerry Laufer)

Five Lessons from the Gulf: Anecdotes of a Young Woman in Kuwait

Ana Torres Rodriguez '24 recently completed an internship at the American University of Kuwait. Read about her experience HERE.

Students Reflect on Their Time in Kuwait

The Dartmouth-AUK program helps them learn more about the diversity of the Middle East.  Read story HERE.

American University Of Kuwait (AUK)

The American University of Kuwait (AUK) is an independent, private, coeducational liberal arts institution. Dartmouth students who participate in this program can study or intern at AUK.

Dr. Mounib Khanafer speaks with AUK exchange students in his Dartmouth office in Summer 2022.


Learn about the two programs available to Dartmouth students: funded leave-term internships and for-credit academic exchange.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the program staff with any questions.


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