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WebPac Implementation Team : Post Searching Functionality Subgroup

Final Report


  • Lucinda Hall
  • Carol Magenau
  • Norma Pellerin
  • Marcia Pirone
  • Jennifer Merrill (chair)


  • Examine the Web Opac Options document on CSDirect and determine which WWWoptions concern/determine post searching functionality.
  • Implement WWWoptions that best facilitate post searching functionality; Record why each WWWoption was chosen and the alternative choices available. The subgroup should communicate with library colleagues system wide when making choices about WWWoptions.
  • Present a written report to the WebPAC Team by September 1st.



Do the locations that hold the material(s) display in a separate line at the beginning of the record?

Example titles:  Newsweek, Lilac Bus

Recommend:   No because it wastes a line of screen display and doesn't convey enough additional information to warrant wasting the line


Similar to the EXTENDED_* options except the additional data is put on the first line of the browse rather than the second. Appears only when there is a single record for that heading.  Independent of the EXTENDED options and will not de-duplicate data that is already displayed on the second line.

Example titles:  any

Recommend:   Author if Innovative can fix the bug in DISPLAY_245 which is delivering the 245|c


Which Bib record fields should output when the user exports Bib records in Brief format?

Example title:    any

Recommend:   a|t:245../abh|p|e (author, titles in 245 subfields abh, publisher, edition) waiting on bug fix in specifying subfields to display


Which Checkin record fields should output when the user exports Checkin records in Brief format?

Example title:

Recommend: Defer until such time as we implement recording holdings data in checkin records


Define which subfields display in the first line of the Extended display and the single line of the Brief display.  Also, define which subfields should be displayed as part of the hotlink (does not control what subfields are part of the link itself, just whether they are part of the link text).

Recommend:   Investigate later if current behavior deemed unacceptable.  The group felt it was better to stick with the default unless there was a problem identified.


For what searches (index tags) should we display the MARC 245 instead of the first t-tagged field?


Recommend:   atdiocglfemXY (all indexes)


What 856 subfields should be displayed?

Example title:    Icarus (Online)

Recommend:   Referred to the URL subgroup.


What indexes should be offered in the drop down menu?

Example title:    any title

Recommend:   atdcX (author, title, subject, keyword, LC Call)


Specify the Subject, bounced message account name and diacritic coding scheme to be used when records are exported via Email.

Recommend:   From the Dartmouth College Library Catalog|exporter. Still investigating the diacritic question, but this is not urgent.


Specify the methods by which records may be exported from the database and in which formats.  Methods are browser, email, local.  Formats are full, brief, marc, endnote, procite.

Recommend:   Offer all methods and all formats


What data should appear in the extended display?

Recommend:   Item location and status. The group wanted call number but the system can not provide item call number, and this is insufficient, and sometimes incorrect (for instance for journals shelved by title, or things with URLs).


Specify an alternate image for the relevance ranking feedback in the Advanced Keyword search.  The default image is stars.

Recommend:   If the team recommends offering this, then use the default of stars unless the display group wants something different.


Should item-level notes display in full in the item box, or display partially with a "click here to see full note" and pop-up window to display it?

Example author/title:      Frost, Robert/Aforesaid

Recommend:               display the note in full in the item box


What message should display when an item is checked out?

Recommend:   A group of public services staff should look at this as well as desired translations of the item STATUS codes.


Which words from keyword searches be highlighted in search results?  Choices are none; all; when the word was found in the supplied list of MARC tags (we supply the list)

Recommend:   No highlighting of keywords. The preference was to include the MARC tags of all fields included in the advanced keyword index, and highlight the words in red pending color decisions of the Design subgroup.  However, we can specify only one MARC tag (such as all 5XX fields, or all 7XX fields).  An enhancement request should be submitted.


What text should be in the header of the URL box?  Default is "Click on the following to:"

Example title:    Icarus (Online)

Recommend:   Defer to URL subgroup.  There may be text in the URL that affects whether the default box message makes sense.


Should the button labelled MARC Display be offered?

Example:                      any record

Recommend:   Yes, offer it.  If it is not offered, then the option to view the MARC record is not available for staff, even through the My Millenium for Staff login.


Specify whether a column should be added to the browse display to display Material type.  The data can only be derived from BCODE1 and BCODE2.

Recommend:   We don't have the correct data in BCODE1 or 2 to support this, so recommend not implementing it.


Should frames be used in record displays?  The choices are no frames, 2 frames or 3 frames with the percentage of screen devoted to each frame determined by us.

Recommend:   No frames.  It was felt that frames are too confusing to users.  For instance, if the user tries to print from a framed web page they have to know to click in the frame they want printed or they may be surprised by their output.


Should any checkin cards be suppressed from public view based on being coded with a checkin card status of F=Filled, C=Current, I=Incomplete or U=Unused.

Recommend:   Not applicable here.


Under what circumstances should an order record be displayed to the public?

Example "On order"title :                        Grammaire du francais: approche enonciative

Example "In process" title:          Tales and Stories [the first record]

Recommend:   Default behavior (show order only until there's an item or checkin record attached) most closely resembles behavior in BRS catalog.  Recommend sticking with it.


Specify whether the "X holds on 1st copy returned" message appears when bib-level holds are set.

Recommend:   The patron-initiated functions subgroup should make this decision


Should the Year column display in browse displays?

Example author:            Frost, Robert

Recommend:   Do not suppress year column


Used in conjuction with Z39SEARCH and Z39MULTI, specifies user instructions for constructing a broadcast search.

Recommend:   Do not offer


Specify the maximum number of records to be retrieved from a) all sites and b) each site when a broadcast search is executed.

Recommend:   Do not offer


Specify whether the search should be repeated in external library catalogs, and if so, in which catalogs.

Recommend:   Do not offer

Character-based options that also apply to Web OPAC

Characters removed from beginning of user-typed search

Recommend:   None

Browse list

Browse list: show field instead of normalized entry. For indexes:

Recommend:   cmlfge (all call number indexes).  These are the only indexes we can choose from

Browse list: maximum number of entries that can be sorted by year

Recommend:   200

Requests: Journals: Ask for article title, etc........................YES

Requests: Which item..................................................ANY

Requests: Pickup location.............................................ASK

Requests: Patron eligibility determined by.........................P TYPE

Requests: Eligible patrons..........................................0-255

Requests: Message for patrons denied access................Choose to view

Requests: Amount to charge........................................NOT SET

Requests: Message to agree to charge..................................N/A

Personal ID Num (PIN) in patron record................................YES

Patron self-identification field..................................DART ID

Patron self-identification prompts & examples..............Choose to view

Patron can view own record............................................YES

Patron can cancel own holds............................................NO

Patron can renew own items.............................................NO

Recommend:   Patron group will decide

Bib record: Display relator codes in full text

Recommend:   YES

Checkin record

Checkin record: Display 86x tag lines as separate lines

Checkin record: Break LIB HAS statements at space-space

Recommend:   We haven't implemented these aspects of checkin records yet

Fields exported in ProCite/End Note Refer format

Recommend:     Fontaine will recommend