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WebPac Implementation Team : Meeting Minutes

Thursday, March 8th, 2001, 11am-12pm, Baker 158


  • Bill Ghezzi
  • Mark Mounts
  • Ann McHugo
  • Jen Nelson
  • Paul Merchant
  • Reinhart Sonnenburg
  • Norma Pellerin
  • Jennifer Merrill
  • Becca Lee
  • William Fontaine


Minutes from the February 22nd meeting were approved as submitted.

Announcements & Subgroup Reports

Marketing Subgroup

They have set up their web page at https://www.dartmouth.edu/~bibcon/WebPacIT/marketing.html

The subgroup  has not met yet.

Help Subgroup

Paul Merchant has mocked up the various approaches to delivering help information on the webpac as a result of discussions in last week's WebPacIT meeting. These options will be discussed at the next meeting of the WebPacIT.

Staff Orientation Subgroup

Reinhart reported that Tuesday's scheduled meeting was snowed out. Registration for orientation sessions is being handled through the STDC webform, which is working well. In preparation, the subgroup will establish a list of core figures to be covered in the sessions. The first two sessions will be offered on March 16th to library staff and will help refine the checklist of features to be covered.

Jennifer Merrill noted that if we also include orientation for students, the announcement of the new catalog might appear in the student press instead of a library coordinated press release. There are already a number of students who know about the WebPac, and the library runs the risk of having faculty and administrators find out about it from students instead of the library.

Feedback from the User Services meeting was discussed:

  • There is no realistic option of offering a "text only" version of the webpac. Paul noted that the WebPac screens are under 1,000 bytes. One can also set one's browser to not load images. The telnet innopac connection is not a realistic option.
  • Regarding searching speed, it was noted that our WebPac computer is very fast. It is often slow is because it uses an inefficient method of applying limits instead of using indexes.
  • A usability test is probably not going to be done this year. If one is eventually done, it would have to focus on those aspects of the WebPac that we can change, but given the tight schedule for launching the catalog in the Fall, it seems unpractical to schedule in testing before the marketing phase.

Meeting adjourned at 12:05pm