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Selected Lectures, Shorter Writings, and Translations

Peter Bien
Ekdotikos Oikos Terpni
About the Book
This volume meanders toward Greek subjects presented in the classrooms of various universities or in the lounge of a cruise ship, a restaurant in Greece, or illegally in the Delphic stadium. The book also touches on other literatures and on non-literary subjects such as Dartmouth’s student revolution in 1969, a Scorsese film, Quakerism, and prostate cancer. There is even a teeny mock epic called "Dartmouthiad." -- from the Introduction.
About the Author
Peter Bien is Professor Emeritus of English and Comparative Literature at Dartmouth College. His "Kazantzakis: Politics of the Spirit," volumes 1 & 2, are published by Princeton University Press. Bien has translated Kazantzakis's novels "The Last Temptation of Christ,” "Saint Francis," "Report to Greco,” and “Zorba the Greek” as well as Myrivilis’s “Life in the Tomb” into English; he is also the author of "Kazantzakis and the Linguistic Revolution in Greek Literature.”
About the Electronic Publication
This electronic publication of Selected Lectures, Shorter Writings, and Translations was made possible with the permission of the author. PDF was provided by the author.
Rights Information
Published with permission of Peter Bien.
Dartmouth College Library assigns a Creative Commons BY-NC license to the digital work and associated web site.
Bibliographic Information
Published by Ekdotikos Oikos Terpni, 2018. viii, 673 pages.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1349/ddlp.3705