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WebPac Implementation Team : Meeting Minutes

May 24th, 2000 meeting, Baker 152, 3-4pm


  • Mark Mounts
  • Bill Ghezzi
  • Bill Fontaine (recorder)
  • Becca Lee
  • Jen Nelson
  • Jennifer Merrill
  • Ann McHugo
  • Reinhart Sonnenburg
  • Paul Merchant
  1. Jennifer Merrill announced that Innovative can send someone to do implementation training. She will schedule the training for sometime between June 26-28th, a time that most Team Members can attend.

  2. Mark Mounts gave an overview of the Innovative Users Manual, which is available in FOLIO format. The use of shadow files for annotations, bookmarks, and highlighting was covered. Team Members should familiarize themselves with the Web Server Options section.

  3. Bill Ghezzi demonstrated the CS Direct website, Innovative’s automated customer Service FAQ/Help Desk, which is aimed at reducing unnecessary phone calls to service personnel.

    http://csdirect.iii.com/ [ask Bill, Mark or Jennifer for user name and password]

    Specific areas worth reviewing: WebPac Options FAQ & Tutorials

  4. Bill Ghezzi proposed making some basic changes to our current Inno interface based on some of the features of the U Wash catalog. The “Export Record” button really performs a “Save Record” function, and it should be changed to reflect this. Once records have been changed, there should be a button to “Export Saved Records” and to “Clear Saved Records.”  When exporting records, we should also give options to export records in EndNote format. Options should also exist to export to Screen. There were no objections from Team Members to these changes.

    Additionally, it was decided to change the current background color of the WebPac to white for the time being.

  5. Ghezzi discussed the Team’s strategy for determining the features that will be in our WebPAC implementation.

    1. Look for features in other Inno WebPACs that we want in ours and incorporate these immediately in our catalog.
    2. Look for features in Inno documentation as outlined above in points 2 and 3.
    3. Compile a wish list of features that may or may not be available for implementation at this time.  Ann noted that there are features in our current catalog that bibliographers and Acquisitions staff use to track orders and ‘in process’ items that will not be available except through review files. Desired features that cannot be implemented should be covered in the Team’s report.
  6. Mark Mounts will poll Team Members for meeting times during the week of June 5th.