Request for Proposals

A student studies in the library.

2023-2024 Theme

The Centers Forum at Dartmouth invites proposals for programming from students, staff, and faculty that address the 2023-2024 theme: Uncommon Collaborations: Dialogue Across Difference.

Request for Proposals

Through this Request for Proposals(RFP) the Centers Forum hopes that creative panels, workshops, discussions, and performances around this theme will work to draw students, staff, and faculty into meaningful conversations and community action around intentionally creating our environment. 

Please complete the application form at:  Request for Proposals

Application deadline for Winter programs: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024
Application deadline for Spring and Summer programs: March 4th, 2024

Proposals that demonstrate collaboration among organizations and strive for intergroup partnership and engagement are highly encouraged. We hope to receive proposals representing a broad array of activities ranging from in-depth dialogues with a few participants to larger, campus-wide programming events. 

Proposal budgets should not exceed $2,000 and the primary project lead on proposals should be a student, staff, or non-tenured faculty member, although collaboration with tenured or tenure-track faculty is supported. 

Note that overall project budgets can exceed $2,000, but the maximum award for a Centers Forum mini-grant is $2,000. The selection committee may choose to award full or partial funding. 

Requirements Upon Completion of the Project

Grantees will be required to submit a one-page description of the event along with:

  1. the number of individuals involved in the event
  2. 2-3 digital photos (with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, as an email attachment) showing those who participated in the event
  3. reflection on lessons learned and how the event achieved its goal in line with the Centers Forum theme. This must be sent within 72 hours of the event’s completion. 

The above should be sent to and photos and descriptions of the event may be posted on the Centers Forum at Dartmouth website.

Please note: Centers Forum at Dartmouth member organizations are available to assist with programming in their fields of expertise, working cooperatively with students, faculty members or staff to produce an event. Reach out to with questions or for more information. 

Last Updated