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Dartmouth College Rome Center
Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9AM-1PM; 2PM-5PM. Fridays 9AM- 1PM
Address: Piazza della Cancelleria 85
Phone: +39 066 813 6063
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Italiaidea, fondata a Roma nel 1984, ha oggi piu’ di 20 dipendenti e insegna a circa 1,500 studenti all’anno, provenienti da tutto il mondo.

Durante la sua esistenza, Italiaidea ha costantemente lavorato per assicurare sempre dei servizi di altissima qualità. La scuola insegna e organizza corsi di italiano per Dartmouth College, Rhode Island School of Design, Cornell University, University of Chicago e altre ancora.

Italiaidea, e’ situata vicino Campo de’ Fiori, una delle zone piu’ famose di Roma e rinomata per la sua bellezza e per la sua atmosfera pittoresca.

Italiaidea, founded in Rome in 1984, has more than 20 employees and teaches around 1,500 students every year from all over the world.

Throughout its history Italiaidea has also constantly worked to deliver high quality of academica and administrative services to partners. The school has been asked to teach and organize courses of Italian study for Dartmouth College, as well as Rhode Island School of Design, Cornell University, University of Chicago along with many others.

Italiaidea, is located near Campo de’ Fiori in one of the most famous areas of Rome, an area renowned for its beauty and picturesque atmosphere.

Professor Paolo Bultrini

Paolo Bultrini, Italian 8 and Italian 5

Laureato in Lettere all’Università di Roma La Sapienza.

Insegna italiano come lingua seconda dal 1991. Nel 2000 ha iniziato a collaborare con Italiaidea come coordinatore e insegnante in vari programmi statunitensi a Roma.

Bultrini è anche uno degli autori di Italian Espresso (volume 1 e 2), Alma edizioni. Italian Espresso è un corso di lingua italiana, realizzato specificamente per gli studenti delle università degli Stati Uniti.


Paolo Bultrini has a M.A. in Humanities from the Università la Sapienza in Rome


Since 1991, he has been teaching Italian as a second language in private institutions. In 2000, he began working for Italiaidea as a teacher and coordinator of various U.S. Italian language programs in Rome.


He is one of the authors of Italian Espresso (volume 1 and 2) published by Alma Edizioni. Italian Espresso is an Italian language course suited for students at colleges and universities both in the United States and in Italy.

Francesca Patrizi

Prof.ssa Francesca Romana Patrizi, Italian 12

Laureata in Lingue moderne all’Università di Roma La Sapienza.

Dal 2000 insegna italiano come lingua seconda, prima in Giappone e poi in Italia.

Lavora ad Italiaidea in qualità di coordinatrice didattica e insegnante.


Francesca Patrizi has an M.A. in Modern Languages from the Università La Sapienza in Rome.


Since 2000 she has been teaching Italian as a second language in Japan and in Italy.

She is currently working as an academic coordinator and language instructor at Italiaidea.

Administrative Staff

Manuela, an employeeManuela, an employee of Italiaidea, runs the office at the Dartmouth College Rome Center with the help of several other Italiaidea staff people. Manuela provides support for the programs of the three departments: Classics, Art History, and Italian. Her job description includes students services, trip planning for academic excursions, and office management.

Last Updated: 7/25/18