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On-Line Funding Resources


Our office maintains a library of annual reports for selected foundations, as well as directories of foundation funders and other printed material about funding organizations. All Dartmouth personnel are welcome to use any of these materials in our offices. We recommend you call us before visiting to make sure that the material you want will be available when you need it.

In addition to the print resources available in our office, this page will guide you to various on-line sources of information that may be helpful to you.


Be sure to get in touch with the Office of Foundation Relations before calling or writing a foundation to avoid potentially awkward situations. It's difficult to explain to a potential funder why Dartmouth has submitted multiple proposals when only one is permitted, or why several people have called to ask the same questions of the same program officer. Let us know your interests and needs by e-mail at Foundation.Relations@Dartmouth.edu , or call us at 646-1257; we can tell you if there is current activity with an organization and whether it will accept multiple requests.

If you are part of a recognized student organization interested in outside funding, please refer to the institutional policies for student fund-raising.