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OCLC : Full-Level Acceptable Copy Criteria

Accept copy that meets the following standards.

Exclusions: 040 |b [any code other than 'eng']

Present in 040 Encoding Lvl LC Call No. Tag 042 Desc.

w/o 040 |erda
Exclusions:  040 |b [any code other than ‘eng’]

Blank, I,L,M, 8 LC Call no. (full or partial call#'s or *none**) w or w/o an 042 a or blank
Ukm|cUkm Blank or 8 Full LC Call no.   a

w 040 |erda
Exclusions:  040 |b [any code other than ‘eng’]

Blank, I,L,M, 8 LC Call no. (full or partial call #’s, or *none**) w or w/o an 042 a or i

* Make a printout of record, after going through Full-level procedure if all is ok put book with printout on Cataloging shelf for call # assignment.

** If Encl = M and publication date is 2011 or greater and No call # - reject

All books must have “eng” in the 040 line

All books that aren’t Literature should have one or more 6xx fields

Full-Level needs an 050 or 090, 245, 260 or 264, 300, 600-651, esp.650

Put a purple slip in Full-Level books