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WebPac Implementation Team : Main Menu Design Subgroup



  1. Examine pros/cons of having a two layer approach to the Web Opac verses having a one layer approach with a single entry page. Currently at the top level, the main menu, is a web page <https://inno.dartmouth.edu/screens/mainmenu.html> having the sections Library Services and Staff Functions; at the next level, the opac menu, is the web page for searching the catalog <https://inno.dartmouth.edu/screens/opacmenu.html>. Investigating what other libraries have done with their main menu and their opac menu will be a necessary step in this process as is consideration of the purpose of the main menu and the opac menu in the context of the whole library website.
  2. Recommend which approach, one or two layer, should be taken. Examples from other library opacs of their approaches to the main menu and the opac menu can help to demonstrate the logic of the recommendation.
  3. Develop a functional design for the recommended approach focusing on content.
  4. Generate a report to the WebPAC Implementation Team with a target for completion: August 24th meeting.