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WebPac Implementation Team : Meeting Minutes

(draft) 1/25/01, 11am 158 Baker


  • Mark Mounts
  • Jennifer Merrill
  • Rheinhart Sonndenburg
  • Bill Ghezzi
  • Norma Pellerin
  • Jennifer Nelson
  • Paul Merchant
  • Ann McHugo
  • Becca Lee (recorder)

Approve Minutes

Minutes?  Did we approve any?  I can’t decipher what I wrote.


JM – LOSC has approved the proposal of the URL subcommittee.  During the presentation of the report, much of the discussion focused on item level notes in records.  LOSC would like generic holding notes suppressed from the public catalog.  Jennifer will make the appropriate display/filter changes.

BG:  limit screen almost finished with the exception of the location codes.  Unresolved issues include:  Post Search limits are currently out of synch and will be until reindexing occurs.  There is an on-going clean-up project regarding incomplete or missing information in the 008 field.

JM:  The library is purchasing an Innovative product that will synch the bib and item location codes.  Another product would allow groups of location codes to be associated with an umbrella location.

MM:  Clearing search history in the Webpac.  There’s a pull-down dialog box which will clear on one level a patron’s search history.  However, the data remains imbedded in IE’s browser history.  Do we need to worry about this?  Would this be a valid enhancement request?  Is this a confidentiality issue?  Design group will follow this up.

Schedule for Webpac release

BG discussed presentations from IUG about marketing one’s webpac.   Pertinent issues were:  mandatory training sessions for staff, targeting internally, implementation team visibility, signage and other advertising methods.   Marketing was divided into internal and external foci.


-Training: staff training in springtime, BI training in the summer, student training in the fall.  STDC should be involved with this process


-Promotion:   articles in Vox and possibly the Dartmouth Library Bulletin.  Perhaps involve the Student Assembly?

2/21/01 – CMDC presentation which will mark the Beta test day for the Webpac.  The following month (intercession 3/17/00), will concentrate on staff training.  Usability testing during the summer term with faculty and students.  Advertising for the Webpac will take place during the Spring and Summer terms.  The official release date is tentatively set at first day of Fall term 01.