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WebPac Implementation Team : Meeting Minutes



  • Mark Mounts (co-chair)
  • Bill Ghezzi (co-chair)
  • Jim Fries
  • Becca Lee
  • Jennifer Nelson
  • Bill Fontaine
  • Reinhart Sonnenburg
  • Ann McHugo
  • Norma Pellerin
  • Jennifer Merrill (recorder)
  • Guest: Marcia Pirone

Approval of Minutes

With one modification to the report of the LOSC meeting, the minutes of the previous meeting were approved.  Jennifer will tell Paul what needs to be changed.


Jennifer turned off the Show Similar Items hotlink.

Innovative is working on the material type limit, but it isn't exactly as we wanted it yet.

The Identity field should no longer be displaying in checkin records.

Subgroup Reports

Limit group

hopes to finish soon after Thanksgiving

Main menu group - will report at next meeting

The remainder of the groups (except for Post-search) continue to meet.

The Post-Search Functionality group

began giving its report.

The recommended values for BIBLOC, MARC, RECORDFRAME, SUPPRESS_CARD, SHOW_OREC, SUPPRESS_HOLDDISP, SUPPRESS_YEAR, and the Z39.50 related settings were all approved.

The BRIEF, EXTENDED, AND BRIEF_EXPORT options generated much discussion.

BRIEF:  Bill G. was concerned that we were trying to replicate the BRS Brief display.  Ann countered that adding Author to the display helps users.  After much discussion back and forth we agreed to leave the setting as-is and await further comment as the system continues to be evaluated.

EXTENDED:  The group wondered how useful this was when extending browse entries that have more than one entry in them.  For example, searching for the Author Francis, Dick and choosing the Extended Display at that first result screen.  Unfortunately we cannot choose when to offer the Extended Display button, so we will have to live with some displays that might not have chosen to offer.

BRIEF_EXPORT:  Barb Bushor asked if it would be possible to output the 001.  The group felt that that data is not appropriate to be included in a system geared to the public.  Bill F., and Mark don't want to offer the Brief Export option at all.  The group is divided on the usefulness of this export format, but agreed to leave it available for now.  [Note:  We also discovered that a bug has been introduced in Release 2000 Update D.  The bib call number, which we had excluded from this export format is appearing anyway.  Jennifer will open a call with Innovative.

Jennifer will continue with the report from this subgroup at a future meeting.

The next meeting will be November 30th (recorder Mark Mounts).  Jennifer, Jennifer and Becca will not be in attendance as there is a MilCirc training scheduled for that day.