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WebPac Implementation Team : Meeting Minutes

October 12th, 2000 meeting, Baker 152, 11am-12pm

Web: https://www.dartmouth.edu/~catmet/committees/WebPacIT/Pacit.html


  • Mark Mounts
  • Bill Ghezzi
  • Bill Fontaine (recorder)
  • Becca Lee
  • Jennifer Merrill
  • Reinhart Sonnenburg
  • Paul Merchant


Mark Mounts announced that the WebPac Team is slated to present a progress report to LOSC on November 8th 10:30am - 12:00pm. Mark and Bill will do the presentation. All team members are asked to attend.

Jennifer Merrill announced that the Course Reserve Lists will be switched from the telnet version to the web version when we go live with the Web OPAC.

Subgroup Reports

URL Subgroup (Jennifer Merrill)

Scheduling conflicts required that the subgroup postpone its meeting. No report.

Post Search Functionality Subgroup

The subgroup is almost done reviewing the functions that can be turned on. The next scheduled meeting is on Friday, and they expect to submit their report by the end of October.

Main Menu Design Subgroup (Mark Mounts)

The top level page mockups are available on the web at:

The subgroup expects to submit its report at the end of October.

Limit Subgroup (Bill Ghezzi)

The Limit Subgroup is waiting for a reply from the Innovative Help Desk on material types. The material types limit is currently broken in our catalog, which is hampering the work of the subgroup.

Design Subgroup (Bill Ghezzi)

The subgroup is collaborating with the Main Menu Subgroup. They will meet Friday, October 13th.

Patron Initiated Features Subgroup (Becca Lee)

The subgroup is currently testing the self-renewal functions and are reviewing the Cancel Hold feature. The Request an Item feature is next on their agenda.

Update on Enhancement Requests and Help Desk Open Questions

  1. The Enhancement Requests were submitted to the Innovative Users Group and to III. A record of requests submitted by the WebPac Team are available at:
  2. There are about 25 open requests pending with the Innovative Help Desk. In many cases, the work of subgroups are being hampered by the lack of response by III. Jennifer Merrill and Bill Ghezzi are following up on these questions with the Help Desk to get adequate answers. Jennifer will also see if an Implementation Consultant from III can be assigned to us. Dartmouth never had a consultant assigned because we did not implement the catalog when we purchased the WebPac two years ago.


Team members reported they were unexpectedly getting zero hit reports when using the Z39.50 feature. There are some configuration issues that would have to be worked out.

Jennifer Merrill reported that the Post Searching Functionality Subgroup was inclined to recommend that the Z39.50 feature not be made available when the WebPac is launched. The WebPac Team members agreed that there are a number of complex issues are involved with Z39.50 access: configuration problems, criteria for deciding which catalogs and databases to include, useability issues, and how Z39.50 resources would be related to other databases in DCIS.

Recommendation: Postpone Z39.50 development until after the WebPac launch.

Help Screen Subgroup

Bill Fontaine will chair the subgroup. Reinhart Sonnenburg volunteered to join the subgroup. Bill Ghezzi will solicit the library system for additional participants.

Bill Fontaine will formulate a charge centered on (1) reviewing the existing contextual help on the III search screens,  and (2) authoring additional help screens that can be accessed through a "help button" that travels through the WebPac screens. The draft will be circulated to WebPac Implementation Team members for comment so it can be finalized before the next meeting.

Next Meeting

CSG meets next week. The next meeting will be in two weeks on October 26th at 11am in Baker 152.