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Summer & Winter Scenes 1932-1935

Figure skaters, 1935

View "Summer & Winter Scenes 1932-1935"

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Film Details

Date 1935
Description 12m 30s, no sound, b&w
Producer Dartmouth College Films


This film depicts life at Dartmouth in the summer and winter, including hiking, snowball fighting, boxing, and more. Locations include the Dartmouth campus, mountain panoramas, Mount Moosilauke, and Balch Hill. Important campus figures include Coach Otto Schniebs, who is shown teaching students the basics of skiing, and Professor Charles Proctor, who played a major part in developing Dartmouth’s winter sports program. Also included are scenes of Alpha Sigma Phi building snow sculptures, the campus ice tower and the Carnival committee, Miss Dorothy Wright chosen Carnival Queen at the outdoor evening festivities at Occom Pond, the Dartmouth Outing Club preparing and supervising a toboggan slide for the use of carnival guests, DOC work crews clearing a two-mile ski trail down the side of Mt. Moosilauke, and pine needle skiing demonstrated by Dick Durrance ’38 (pictures by Jack McCrillis ’19).

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