Incident Report Form

Dartmouth College promotes the highest standards of animal care and use, and expects all individuals privileged to use animals for their research, testing, training or teaching to treat them humanely and with the utmost respect for their psychological health, physical health and well-being. Additional information on Dartmouth College's standards and policies can be found here.

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of Dartmouth College is required by law to investigate all reports of suspected animal abuse or mistreatment. If you observe, or even suspect animal abuse or non-compliance with any laws, regulations, guidelines or policies; you should report it to institutional officials by using the web form on this page.

Reports submitted from the "CCMR report an incident" page are sent anonymously to the IACUC office.  This report will immediately trigger an investigation into the incident.

Note that under the Federal Animal Welfare Act (Regulations), discrimination or reprisals against any person reporting a violation is strictly prohibited e.g. you are protected by federal law as a "whistle blower" and by Dartmouth College policy.

No employee of Dartmouth College shall be discriminated against or be subject to any reprisal for reporting alleged violations of any Institutional Animal Care and Use Policies.

Other reporting options are available through:


* indicates required field